Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Wrestler

Could I be any more excited?

Tomorrow The Wrestler finally opens in Australia. John and I will be there! While I don't expect it to be the Best Film of 2008, I'm fully expecting that Mickey Rourke will knock my socks off with his performance. I've heard "Mickey Rourke gives a performance for the ages in The Wrestler, a richly affecting, heart-wrenching yet ultimately rewarding drama." Gosh, a performance for the ages! I hope so. Anything less will sorely disappoint me.

UPDATE: It's raw; it's powerful; it's the performance of the decade, for sure.


Unknown said...

It's pretty awesome.

Ella Dodson said...

I've been waiting for you to discuss this movie. It is getting lots of press here. At least Rourke is.